Monday, November 26, 2012

CMSC 2 Week 2 Exercise 2 Answers

CMSC 2 - Week 2, Exercise 2 Answers.

Part I.
1. False. Search engines differ from how they relate and organize relative date from one another thus, producing different results.
2. Yes. Some phrases require proper alignment and order of words such as places and definite names. Re-ordering their arrangements might lead to different and unexpected results.
3. B.
4. Die Sonne wird aufstehen um 7:40 in Nizza, Frankreich.
5. 4.19 years.

1 comment:

  1. i believe you enjoy using google search but i think that you have some difficulty in using google translate based on the synthesis of your work. anyhow, i also think that you did a good job, so welcome and enjoy "googling" :)
